Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How to Make a Burlap Rose

Hey Y'all! Today I have a great tutorial for a burlap rose for ya! I love burlap! It's got such a neat texture, and these days it comes in lots of patterns as well. I found these chevron patterned burlap ribbon spools at Walmart and couldn't pass them up. I kept trying to figure out something fun to make with them and then I decided to learn how to make burlap roses. I ended up making a wreath with them (tutorial to come). I hope you love them as much as I do! Have you made these before? FYI be careful with the hot glue gun! It's called a 'hot' glue gun for a reason ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I've always wondered how people do these. Now I know. Thanks for sharing Jess!


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