DH(Dear Hubby) He is the love of my life, my best friend. We are polar opposites on everything that doesn't matter. I like strawberry preserves, he likes grape jelly. I like like miracle whip, he likes mayo. I like cool whip, he likes whipped cream in a can. I love chocolate he loves candy like gummy worms. However, where it counts he is the one who completes me (I know, can we say "cheeeeesy") But it is true. He is my protector and friend and loves God with all of his heart. He keeps me accountable when all I want to do is be a "B" woman he holds me to a higher standard. He is the head of our household (although I am the neck and sometimes can turn the head in the direction I want...lol) and makes me want to be a better person and live up to the standards we try to live by. He is gentle and kind and the most amazing father I could have ever hoped for my kids to have. I thank God for him every day (well, sometimes I don't, you know how that goes if you're married..but deep down I am always thankful for him.) He is amazing!
Meet Princess8
This is Princess8. She amazes me every day. I look at her and see such a sweet, kind and caring person. She is loyal and honest and truly cares about others and can empathize with people and put others first, almost to a fault. She is super smart and loves the color purple. She loves to read and loves American Girl.
Meet Princess5
Here is Princess5. She is my little Diva. She loves all think pink and princess. She wears skirts as often as she can and I will let her. Her favorite books are Pinkalicious and Fancy Nancy. She loves to color and draws the most amazingly detailed pictures that would blow anyone away to see a 5 year old do. She's my little princess and I am so blessed to be her mother.
Meet Princess2
Here's my little Princess2. Isn't she sweet? This little girl is who made our family finally complete. She loves to be girly and has a mind of her own. She is an independent little thing who tries to keep up with her big sisters. However, she has really been the easiest of the three for me and her dad because all we have to do is give her a 'look' and she does what we want. She is a little sensitive and LOVES her Mommy. I love her too and am so glad God sent her into our lives.
Just love this pic!