Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Old Fashioned Fudge

Okay, so I was having a stressful situation at my house last week and I just couldn't bring myself to sit down and do nothing so I figured I'd displace my energy in making fudge. I had been wanting some recently but just hadn't had the time. Well, I had the time now, and I'm so glad I did because the fudge turned out to be so creamy and delicious. It made way too much for me to eat all by myself (hubby doesn't love fudge, he's more of a candy person (sourpatch kids, gummy worms etc...) and I'm a chocolate lover) so I shared it with my co-workers.
2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup Hershey's cocoa powder
1 cup milk
4 T. butter
1 tsp. vanilla

Tools Needed:
Candy Thermometer
Wooden Spoon

1. Grease an 8x8 square baking pan. Set aside.
2. In a medium saucepan, combine milk, sugar and cocoa powder. Whisk to combine. Then bring to a boil over MEDIUM heat (not too high so it won't scorch the pan) STIR CONSTANTLY.

3. Once it boils reduce heat to simmer. Do not stir again. Insert candy thermometer (I forgot to take a pic of the thermometer) & cook till temperatur reaches 238 degrees Fahrenheit(will take at least an hour)
4. Remove from heat and add butter and vanilla. Will look like sauce.

5. Beat with a wooden spoon until fudge loses its sheen. Do not under beat. This will take a few minutes (at least 5 minutes maybe longer) Be patient.

6. Pour into a prepared pan and let cool. Cut into small squares. It's very rich and creamy. Enjoy! Let me know if you make this, I'd love to hear comments!


  1. what size pan do you use? I am about to make this now! :)


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