Hey Y'all! What a 'lovely' spring day it is with all the white snow outside...*yeah right* Well, today I wanted to talk to you about something that is VERY close to my heart...Spina Bifida. About three years ago two of our best friends were expecting their second child and everything seemed to be going as planned. However, I will never forget the phone call I got when he told me that the baby had spina bifida. I mean, I knew OF spina bifida and that I was supposed to take folic acid when I was pregnant in order to
prevent it. But other than that? Nada. Was it something that could be cured? Would the baby be able to walk? What would they do? So many questions....Over the past two years we have certainly gotten a
crash course in the condition...as outsiders of course, because honestly,
no one truly understands what it is to be a parent of a child with a disability
unless you ARE one. In a world where 90 percent of children with disabilities are aborted, (Insert huge frownie face with tears and heartache) I have nothing but admiration and respect for my two friends because they CHOSE LIFE when the 'easy' way out ,according to society, would be to use their "CHOICE" and pretend like the whole thing never happened. Luckily they trusted God, and still trust Him, to get through the tough times. Then came their little blessing, Ciarlo. (Prounounced Char-loh, Think of the Italian word 'ciao') What a sweet little boy! Though there were complications and he doesn't have feeling in his legs..he is most likely going to be a 'gifted' child intellectually. He's off the charts cognitively and verbally and has the most amazing little personality! Oh if I could squeeze him and hug him every day I certainly would! Our family absolutely adores him! The hardest part for me, and I'm sure for his parents, is the inability to make anything
better. Even though Ciarlo doesn't know anything different than his condition, sometimes you just wish he didn't have to 'not know anything different'. As a friend my heart breaks for them because though they are two tough people and have handled this amazingly well, I KNOW it's not always easy despite the joy they have being Ciarlo's parents. He lights up a room when he enters with his big smile and silly sense of humor. He FLIES in his walker and his zip-zac chair (a bumbo on wheels...which is pretty cool!) and chases my girls around trying to tag them just like any other little boy. Yet I know, for them, sometimes it's not always easy.
So, since I can't do anything specifically for my little man, then I can help his mother (who is the President of the Spina Bifida Association of the Delaware Valley) and father raise money to bring awareness and assistance to those locally affected in the Delaware Valley by this birth defect. People do not realize the complications that a family deals with when caring for these sweet innocent children that are born with spina bifida and that's not including medical bills. Luckily Ciarlo's mom is very active as an advocate for her son and she pushes him to the best of his ability (which is well beyond average btw). He is a pretty lucky little boy to have the parents God gave him. They chose LIFE and now he will live a full life surrounded by many people who love him.
SOO...if you would be so kind as to support me in this endeavor. We will be Walking and Rolling on June 2 in Doylestown, PA at Kids Castle.
I have a widget in my sidebar and at the end of this post that you can donate directly to my page. No money goes to me personally but I get the credit. A little bit goes a long way, no donation is too small.
Thank you and may God bless you for your contribution!
Here's me holding Ciarlo with his mommy and my oldest Princess |
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