First and foremost, I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ who died to redeem me from my sins, which I fail him daily for.
Second, I must say I am most thankful for my Prince Charming. He is seriously my other half and I am so blessed to live beside him every day. Did you know he cleaned the whole kitchen including mopping after the meal tonight? Oh, how thankful I was to be able to lay on the couch in pain from stuffing my face in peace knowing I didn't have to worry about cleanup! He's amazing. He loves those girls of ours and I can't believe how lucky I am to have him.
Third, I am thankful for my beautiful princesses and how smart they are. I am so blessed with three healthy and adorable children and am amazed by them every day.
Fourth, I am thankful for my family..Mom, Dad, and Sis. Love them so much and wish we didn't live so far apart. :( So sad...
Fifth, I am thankful for my amazing mother in law...She really treats me like her daughter and I love her like a mother (though she'll never replace mine:) )
Okay, so now I will just list my random thankfulnesses...
My Freedom
Being born an American citizen
Having a home and food to eat
My Pastor
My Youth Pastor Mike (even though we aren't in touch have meant more to me than you'll ever know)
My minivan..yes the sexy green
Starbucks Mocha Frappucino!
Online learning
My Iphone...what did I ever do without you!
Once Upon a Time...ha ha...LOVE that show!
My amazing boss/bff
SKYPE so I can chat with my family and friends when we aren't nearby
Chocolate covered marshmallows and York Peppermint patties...mmm...
My DVR so I can fast forward parts of XFactor which I don't feel like the commercials :) Choe Kardashian gets on my nerves a little
Oh yeah, and I'm thankful they got rid of that host from last year and Nicole too!
Frank Sinatra, Paul Newman, Bradley Cooper and Bruno to put them in...
Okay, so I know that some of the list is superficial. But in all seriousness, I have a lot of things to be thankful for. Especially those who are fighting for our freedom and have fought for us.
God Bless American and Happy Thanksgiving!
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