
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

{Guest Post} Who's Got a Sweet Tooth?

Hey Y'all! I'm so excited because today I have the pleasure of introducing you to a very talented friend of mine from my church. Meet Casey, a twenty-something mother of two, former public school teacher/personal trainer and fellow Redheaded Princess ;-)  Before she had kids we were super crazy and used to go running at 5 in the morning....yeah...I miss running with her...but most definitely not at that time of I discovered her talent when she started bringing the most adorable cake pops to the bakes sales I've been hosting recently and seriously....this girl has skills! She makes the cutest baked goods ever! I'm so impressed with her talent and super excited to share her with all of you! I hope you have a need for baked goods in the near future and if so, I hope you check her out! So, without further Casey...from A Sweet Morsel Co. serving the Philadelphia Area and beyond...she now ships!!

A Little About Casey and A Sweet Morsel Co. 

When my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our second baby, we knew it was time for me to take a step back from teaching and stay at home to raise our kids.  While it was an incredibly scary decision, we knew it was the step of obedience we needed to take at the time.  

I was extremely grateful to be able to stay at home and raise my boys without the shuffling and coordination it requires for a mom to be working.  But, I had been in a formal teaching role for nearly six years and struggled with the now lack of managing, creating, lesson planning (I know crazy that you would ever miss that!), and seeing students faces light up with excitement from catching onto a hard Science concept or idea.  Out of this birthed A Sweet Morsel Co.  
Years prior, I would dabble in and out of baking near the holidays for some extra cash and making a cake here and there for a friends special occasion.  Now, being a stay at home mom and going from two incomes to one, I thought it couldn't hurt to get back into this on a regular basis.
My heart is still in teaching and that is where I thrive.  My main goal for 2014 is to find a space be able to offer cake pop and cookie classes to kids and adults.
I specialize in customized party cakes, cupcakes, cake pops, and cookies.  

Connect with me:

I would love to hear from you!  


Cake Pops



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

OBX Love: Jennette's Pier

My girls in front of Jennette's Pier June 2013.

Okay, so as I am procrastinating reading my textbook on Social Studies education in the classroom, I am freezing and too lazy to get up and turn the heat up. All I'm thinking about right now, is I wish it was warm and I was at the beach. So in honor of the coldest day of the season, thus far, complete with snow showers this morning I decided to kick off my OBX Love series with my love for Jennette's Pier located in South Nags Head, NC (on the Outer Bank aka OBX). This pier has a lot of nostalgia for me. Being that I grew up on the OBX and lived in Manteo (just across the bridge) Jennette's was the closest beach access to where we lived. Also, since my momma waited tables directly across the street, it made sense that I spent a lot of time there. The pier has changed a lot over the years, even in my lifetime. It's changed owners several times and fallen in the ocean with various hurricanes. I remember in the late 80s going to Sam & Omie's where my mom worked, my dad would play pool and then give us five bucks to cross the beach road and go to the arcade, then located in Jennette's Pier. I swear in my memory it just had plywood floors, nothin' fancy. Maybe my memory fails me, I don't know, I was barely 10 years old. That 5 bucks would last us a long time and we thought was A LOT of quarters! It was hot, had no a/c and half the time we were barefoot. I'm sure I got a splinter or two. We'd run out of money and either go collect sea shells or run back across the street and beg for more money. 
Whenever there was a hurricane, it was the first place we'd go to see the huge waves. I remember when I was younger there was a tiny strip of motel rooms there too. My dad even rescued my best friend's brother from being washed away in his car when he was hurricane watching and didn't have 4-wheel drive (real smart). 
I have so many memories of this pier so it makes sense that I enjoy bringing my daughters back to it when I go down to visit.
Here's my mom circa 1985 I think and my grandparents on a visit to NC.
Now the Pier is HUGE and strong. They spent millions of dollars to rebuild the pier to withstand any future hurricanes complete with an aquarium and windmill energy. Check out the website to learn more about the Green technology that is implemented. As amazing as the pier is...a part of me wishes the little arcade was still there. 
My can see the little motel/efficiencies in the top left corner.

My Grandparents...Gramps with his metal detector.

Gramps and my Momma :) The little pier...just how I remember it :)

Look at those concrete pilings! 

Behind them is where the motel used to be.

Me and my baby sis waiting for our table at Sam & Omie's restaurant.

Balancing on a piling. See that tall building in the background? We used to pool hop's the Comfort Inn. Their poor pool has fallen in the ocean several times as well. 

Good Ol' Jennette's Pier...a must stop whenever we go back.